An overview of your upcoming journey to Acing an Interview
3 Phase Approach
Phase 1. Self- Awareness
Self Awareness is the most crucial step to acing an interview. It gives you the content to explain yourself. Interview Gyan uses 2 proven exercises to instigate this awareness: Strength Analysis and The Why Approach.
Strength Analysis
The guided process helps you to dig deeply and uncover the strongest stories of your life - stories that will be the evidence that you will use in an interview to prove that you possess certain traits.
In the process, you will identify your unique personality traits.
The Why Approach
This next level introspection pushes you to take a look at your life till date and list the choices that you have made.
Questioning the “why” to each choice, you will find the key influences behind each of those choices.
Career Goal Exercise
Be it an MBA Admissions Interview or a Job Interview, a strong career vision gives trust to the Interviewer on you as a person. We will guide you to define your career goals with 100% clear vision. You will have a strong rationale behind the career path taken so far and the future career options.
With the completion of Phase 1 of training, the Content is Ready
.Phase 2. Application
In this phase of preparation, you will learn to use the strongest stories of your life for answering the questions in a sensible way during an interview.
STAR Format
It gives a standard framework to your answers to make them impactful. You will share your stories in an impressive and convincing way.
This standard technique will make sure that you don’t run out of ideas to answer a question during an interview. It will truly become your Idea Generator.
Write and Prepare
We have identified 25 core questions for which you will write the answers, using your newly learnt skills. We help you polish your answers while still maintaining your authentic tone.
Phase 3. Mock Interviews
Mock Interview Sessions help you practice your newly developed skills in real-like interview situations. Trainers analyze your answers and give you a detailed feedback, pointing out specific areas for improvement. You get personalized action plan so that you improve faster.
Helping People Just Like You
Q: “I am an Engineering Student. A company visited my college’s campus last week for the placement process. Being a good scorer, I was confident of getting selected in the company. I cleared the first round of Aptitude and the second round of technical skills. But, in the final HR interview, I couldn’t convince the interviewer of my ability to work in a team. Then, he asked my opinion on a topic, but I was completely blank. Somehow, I spoke a few lines and then went mum. No points for guessing, I was rejected in the interview. Is there a way that I can improve?” – Sankalp
Sankalp, the fact that you cleared the Aptitude and Technical round clearly shows that you have all the technical knowledge required to ace an interview. And it’s great news. Because, had it not been the case, we would have asked you to first improve your core technical skills which are the primary requirement to ace an interview in your case. Since you already have those skills, we can get started with the Interview Training. The problem area looks like convincing skills but, to be sure of it, we will conduct a Mock Interview first. The 3 Phase Approach of Interview Training will give you clarity on yourself and build skills to convince the interviewer. Mock Interviews will give you enough practice to ace an interview.
Q. “I have experience of 3 years in Software Industry. I want to take admission in an MBA college in India. Can you help me in preparing for MBA Admissions Interview?” – Shivani
Yes Shivani, we will be happy to help you. We have a team of experienced trainers who are involved in giving guidance for acing interviews of diverse fields such as MBA Admissions, Aviation Industry, Software Jobs and Teaching Jobs. Apart from the Interview Skills Training, we will provide you with college specific Mock Interview sessions to focus on your target colleges.
Q. “I am an MBA final year student. I got low GPA in first year. Companies will visit my college’s campus for placements next year. What if the interviewer asks, “You have a below average GPA, why should we hire you and not someone with a better GPA?” – Sachin
Sachin, a common query that we hear from our students is, “What if interviewer asks me this or that?”, “How should I answer this question?” We tell our students, “You will tell us the answer.”Actually, there is nothing like “The Correct Answer” to these Interview Questions. Your unique personality traits when proven with the help of stories will readily answer a part of this question. (Which part? - Why we should hire you? ) Hence, the first step is to find out those strong stories of your life which are the evidence of your skills. The first phase of Interview Training at Interview Gyan actually focuses on discovering these stories of your life. Once stories are discovered, “The Why Approach” will push you to find reasons behind the choices that you have made so far. The below average GPA is a result of some choice that you must have made in college. (May be the choice to focus on extracurricular, or to devote your time to Placement Cell Activities etc.)The realization of reason will provide a solid foundation to justify the same. In addition, Phase 2 of training will guide you to share this story in an impactful way. So to repeat, “You will tell us the answer”.
Self Awareness phase of preparation develops a strong foundation. Even if you encounter a never-heard-before question in the real interview, you will know how to handle it.
The focus is to develop your analytical skills. This helps you to answer “What if” / “Situation Based Questions” in a structured way.
Mock Interview Sessions are personalized to suit your need. Trainers frame questions related to your specific background and work-profile. You get a tailored practice session with feedback specific to you.
Once you join the course, you have an access to unlimited number of mock interviews.
Trainers consistently analyze you and find out which step do you falter at. Action plan is suggested for improvement on weak areas.
Get access to a variety of questions which you can face in the real interview. Through a number of Mock interviews we minimize the surprises you will face on the D-day.